
We are Esnativa Backcountry

Esnativa means local. Our company, native to Argentina and Chile, draws inspiration from the Andes, our home. Not only we know the best places to ski, we live and breath the culture, the weather, and the heart and essence of these mountains—a crucial detail when venturing into these wild part of the world. Let us show you the best skiing in South America.

Agustín Anguita

Founder & Managing Director


Agustín, is the visionary behind Esnativa Backcountry South America.

His primary goal is to establish top-tier adventure programs across

South America, especially in the breathtaking landscapes of Patagonia.

Agustín, an architect by profession, brings a unique blend of sensitivity

and creativity to the design of these travel experiences, shaping

them into immersive and thoughtfully crafted adventures.

Nicolás "Niki" Salencon

Co-Founder & Head of Operations 


Nicolás, known as Niki, is a professional

skier, ski instructor and ski guide with

certifications in Argentina and France.

Borned and raised in Bariloche, Argentina, 

Niki chases down winter between his home

and Courchevel, France. Son of a ski coach

and a mother who ownes a ski school, Niki´s

destiny was to ski! He is the only skier in

South America who has podium in the

Freeride World Tour. Nowadays he enjoys

travelling and skiing with his daughter. 

Cristóbal Clément

Heli Operations Manager

David Ackerson

Film Support Manager


Our guides.

Esnativa Backcountry guides have the kind of in-depth local knowledge that can only be gained through years of experience in the Andes. All of Esnativa Backcountry's lead guides are AMGA- or IFMGA-certified or aspirant guides, experts in risk management in remote mountain terrain.

My name is...

Sebastián Rojas

UIAGM/IFMGA guide - Central Andes, Chile.

My name is...

My name is...

Claudia Aliaga

ANGM ski guide - Central and South Andes, Chile.

My name is...

My name is...

Nicolás Valderrama

UIAGM/IFMGA guide - North Patagonia, Chile.

My name is...

My name is...

Ramiro Greco

UIAGM/IFMGA guide - Bariloche, Argentina.

My name is...

My name is...

Martin Finster

AAGM and ski guide - Bariloche, Argentina.

My name is...

My name is...

Tomás Aguiló

UIAGM/IFMGA guide - El Chaltén, Argentina.

My name is...


We have the experience to take your content creation to places pro´s dream of, we will ensure your safety in the mountains and at the same time getting the shot!

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- Esnativa Backcountry Team.